Towards the Integration of Cyber Security and Enterprise Architecture to Improve Cyber Risk Management
Nick Nieuwenhuis (Student)
An Oath for the Dutch Data Professional
Maël van Dijk (Student)
Invloed van big data analytics op organisatorische prestaties binnen Nederlandse overheidsorganisaties
Arjen Davids (Student)
Wat beïnvloedt de gebruikersacceptatie van de door de onderwijsinstelling gekozen SaaS oplossing?
Martijn Bellaard (Student)
Automatic classification of short-answers for semi-structured open-ended questions with only a small dataset: A Master thesis
Stijn Smulders (Student)
Agile traits for enterprise architecture
Arthur Blackstone (Student)
Efficiënter toezicht op compliance bij de verwerking van persoonsgegevens
D.G.C. (Dennis) Teuben (Student)
The Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and soft skills
Richard Smit (Student); Jeroen J.M. van Yperen Hagedoorn (Student)
Succesfactoren van data warehouses
Marc Houtkooper (Student)