Moneybird Storage integreren in Active Storage
Knot, PH (Peter) (Student)
Controlehulp voor ondernemers en advizeurs
Smit, F (Floris) (Student)
The design and implementation of a ticket system for Marotura B.V.
Marin, AR (Arminda) (Student)
Digital Vertical Farming
Elmas, Y (Yunus) (Student)
Project VoMo
Haarhuis, E (Emiel) (Student)
Final Thesis Lars Wiegers
Wiegers, L (Lars) (Student)
Northwave SIEM-selectie
Fan, YY (Jasmine) (Student)
Aligning DevOps and Projectmanagement in an Agile Portfolio
Velders, F (Fabian) (Student)
Afstudeerscriptie Noah Pauw - Ontwikkeling van een user interface in verschillende frameworks
Pauw, NA (Noah) (Student)
Rust Based Microservices
Tibben, LLO (Leonard) (Student)