Jong volwassen
Bas Vogelvang (Lector)
Inclusieve overpeinzingen - exclusief voor iedereen
L.X. de Croes (Lid Lectoraat)
Inclusieve arbeid
R. Petrina (Lid Lectoraat)
Regie op samenwerking tussen professionals
L. de Croes (Lid Lectoraat); Donnalee Heij (Lid Lectoraat); A. Menger (Lid Lectoraat); L. Casteleijn (Lid Lectoraat)
Resistance to crime by talent, development in dutch youth work
Maike Kooijmans (Lid Lectoraat)
Circles of support and accountability: combining prevention and incapacitation within a communitarian approach for released sex-offenders
M. Hoïng (Lid Lectoraat); B. Vogelvang (Lector)
Resilience of dutch probation officers: a critical need for a critical profession
B.O. Vogelvang (Lector)
Aligning the purposes of probation with professional and learning competencies: basic conditions for a new European professionalism
B.O. Vogelvang (Lector)
Ineke Heemskerk (Lid Lectoraat); R. Petrina (Lid Lectoraat)
“Een mooi leven leiden en er iets van maken”
Lonieke Casteleijn; Donnalee Heij; Laurens de Croes