Opbrengstgericht werken in het basisonderwijs
dr. Anouke W.E.A. Bakx (Lector)
Students' educational careers in Higher Education: a search into key factors regarding study outcome
Dr. Cyrille A.C. Van Bragt
Onderzoek door pabo-studenten verankerd in het curriculum: succesfactoren en keerzijden
Drs. Hanneke Breteler; Ir. Jan Copic; Dr. Isabelle Diepstraten (Docent); Dr. Anouke Bakx (Lector)
Onderzoek door pabo-studenten verankerd in het curriculum: succesfactoren en keerzijden
dr Isabelle Diepstraten (Docent); ir Jan Copic (Docent); drs Hanneke Breteler; dr Anouke Bakx (Lector)
The relation between characteristics of learning environments and students' knowledge development in competence-based education
M. Koopman (Docent); P. Teune (Lector); D. Beijaard (Lector)
Student Learning in Competence-Based Pre-Vocational Secondary Education
M. Koopman (Docent); P. Teune (Lector); D. Beijaard (Lector); Perry den Brok
Zelfevaluatie Fontys PABO Tilburg
Drs. Edith Montfort; Dr. Anouke Bakx (Lector); Dr. Isabelle Diepstraten
Learning processes of students in competence-based pre-vocational secondary education
M. Koopman (Docent); P.J. Teune (Lector); D. Beijaard (Lector); Perry den Brok
Professionele ontwikkeling van leraren basisonderwijs
dr. Anje Ros (Lector); prof. dr. Marc Vermeulen; drs. Iris Windmuller
Development of student knowledge in competence-based pre-vocational secondary education
P. Teune (Lector); D. Beijaard (Lector); M. Koopman (Docent)