Zoeken naar zin
Drs. Fred Vonk (Lid Lectoraat); Dr. Leo van der Tuin (Lector)
De nieuwe kleren van religie
Peter van Zilfhout (Lector); Tuur de Beer (Lid Lectoraat); Martin Hoondert (Lector); Heleen Kommers (Lid Lectoraat); Ina ter Avest; Leo van der Tuin (Lector)
Religious education in Europe: Do pupils get the religious education they want?
dr Leo van der Tuin (Lector)
Europe through the 'religious' eyes of young people.
dr. Leo van der Tuin (Lector)
God is a DJ
dr Leo van der Tuin (Lector)
The Netherlands: Who is afraid of RE? The Dutch?.
drs. Tuur de Beer (Docent); dr Leo van der Tuin (Lector)
Godsdienstpedagogiek. Dimensies en spanningsvelden
dr Leo van der Tuin (Lector); E.T. Alii
Europe through the 'religious' eyes of young people.
dr Leo van der Tuin (Lector)
Religious education in Europe: Do pupils get the R.E. they want?
dr. Leo van der Tuin (Lector)
Displeasure at plurality and fear of strangers? An empirical study among Youth in Germany and The Netherlands
Leo van der Tuin (Lector); Hans-Georg Ziebertz