What are the effects of the sanctions between Russia and the European Union for the industry and agriculture in the region of Twente?
Reuterink, S. (Sander) (Student); Schapink, A. (André) (Student); Schoenmaker, A. (Arjen ) (Student); Bazen, J.C. (Jacques) (Researcher)
Young generation of Russians
Gavrilina, O.P. (.) (Researcher); Shakhrayo, A.V. (.) (Researcher)
Serious gaming for systemic entrepreneurialism
Mardjan, N.P. (Nitie) (Researcher)
Innovation Hubs, student driven incubators in regional perspective
Meer, J.D. (Han) van der (Lector)
University Business Cooperation
Sonntag, T.R. (Tom) (Student); Schroten, B.S. (Bart) (Student); Verburg, F. (Frederique) (Student); Bazen, J.C. (Jacques) (Researcher)
Wonder-driven Entrepreneurship Teaching
Hansen, F.T. (Finn Thorbjorn) (Researcher); Herboldt-Lomboldt, S.M. (Sine Maria) (Researcher)
Corporate social responsibility in regional and international entrepreneurship
Fakhrutdinov, A. (Artyom) (Researcher)
Cleantech Region Stedendriehoek
Heidema, A. (Andries) (Researcher)
Expats in the Twente region
Wytzes, I. (Idsart) (Student); Bullens, M. (Marijn) (Student)
The Cleantech concept in a regional setting
Poterman, W. (Willem) (Researcher)