µPlasma printing of hydrophobic and hydrophilic patterns to improve wetting behaviour for printed electronics
ir.M.H.A. van Dongen (Lid Lectoraat); E. Nieuwenhuis (Student); L. Verbraeken (Student); ir. R.O.F. Verkuijlen (Lid Lectoraat); dr. J.P.C. Bernards (Lector)
Highlights from the 7th European meeting on molecular diagnostics
Anne Loonen (Lid Lectoraat); Rob Schuurman; Adriaan J.C. van den Brule (Lector)
An evaluation of three processing methods and the effect of reduced culture times for faster direct identification of pathogens from BacT/ALERT blood cultures by MALDI-TOF MS
A.J.M. Loonen (Lid Lectoraat); A.R. Jansz; J. Stalpers; P.F.G. Wolffs; A.J.C. van den Brule (Lector)
Hoe goed ken je jezelf?
dr Desirée Joosten-ten Brinke (Lector); dr Saskia M.P. Blom (Docent)
Inkjet printing of functional materials on selectively plasma treated surfaces
ir. M.H.A. van Dongen (Lid Lectoraat); ir. R.O.F. Verkuijlen (Lid Lectoraat); dr. J.P.C. Bernards (Lector)
SIA RAAK project Biopolymeren: de wereld is er klaar voor!
Ir. Guido Smets (Docent); Drs. Marloes Eijsvogels-van Leur
Tel uit je winst!
dr Saskia M.P. Blom (Docent)
Acceleration of direct identification of S.aureus versus Coagulase Negative Staphylococci from blood culture material: a comparison of six bacterial DNA extraction methods
A.J.M. Loonen (Lid Lectoraat); A.R. Jansz; H. Kreeftenberg; C. A. Bruggeman; P.F.G. Wolffs; A. J. C. van den Brule (Lector)
Uitdagingen voor de NNV
dr. ir. Henk T.C.M. van den Berg
Three-dimensionality of contact forces during clinical manual examination and treatment : a new measuring system
F.C. Holtkamp (Lid Lectoraat); G.J.M. van Zoest; H.T.C.M. van den Berg (Docent)