Welke principes kunnen lerarenopleiders toepassen om agency bij leraren in opleiding te vergroten
Kyle van den Langenberg
A technology acceptance model analysis of Metaverse technology in Education and behavioural intention to use it among university students. A comparative analysis of students' behaviour in The Netherlands and Greece.
Nikos Misirlis; Yiannis Nikolaidis
Curriculumontwikkeling: het belang van curriculumbewustzijn en stuurkracht.
Elvira Folmer; Helma Oolbekkink
Curriculumontwikkeling op school.
Elvira Folmer
Opportunities and barriers for prehospital emergency medical services research in the Netherlands; results of a mixed-methods consensus study
Niek J. Vianen; Iscander M. Maissan; Dennis den Hartog; Robert J. Stolker; R.J. Houmes; Diederik A.M.P.J. Gommers; N.L.U. van Meeteren; Sanne E. Hoeks; Esther M.M. van Lieshout; Michael H.J. Verhofstad; Mark G. van Vledder
Effects of Working Capital Management on Profitability – Empirical Evidence from Euronext Listed Retail Firms
Lina Weng; Amir Moradi
How Do Firm-Specific Factors Influence the Capital Structure of Firms in The Food Industry of Indonesia?
Zeren Lelaona; Amir Moradi
Studenten motiveren en inspireren
Mariola Gremmen; Roel Grol
Draaitafels Veranderende rollen van leraren
Quinta Kools; Barbara Roosken; Roel Grol
Meerdere mensbeelden in de economie
Roel Grol