Applying the V Model and Axiomatic Design in the Domain of IT Architecture Practice
René Bakker; Hennie Joosten; Debbie Tarenskeen
De GroenGrijze Blik
Toine van Lieshout; Dort Spierings; J. Kohlmann
Kleinschalig wonen... Optimaal?
Tom Vroon; G. Thaens; Toine van Lieshout; C. J. L. Swen
The Desirable Scale", impact of scale on group mix and social quality in assisted living facilities.
Dort Spierings
Menselijke maat in de Zorgarchitecture
Masi Mohammadi
A novel structured plastic substrate for light confinement in thin film silicon solar cells by a geometric optical effect
J. Baggerman; Gert-Jan Swinkels; Pieter Sonneveld; C.J.M. van Rijn; R.E.I. Schropp; H.J. Holterman; Kim Hamers; J.K. Rath; Reinhard de Jong
Choices in scale, guided by quality or legislation? : The influence of institutional factors on assisted living facilities
Dort Spierings
Cradle to Cradle en de couveusekamer
Frits Schultheiss; Jarno Nillesen
Opwaarderen van de serviceflats
Jaap Kerstma