Zocht je misschien: thema?
Examining in-class activities to facilitate academic achievement in higher education: A framework for optimal indoor environmental conditions
Brink, Henk Willem
Raamwerk van binnenmilieu condities welke lesactiviteiten in klaslokalen van het hoger onderwijs optimaal faciliteren
Brink, Henk Willem
Long-term thermal sensitivity of Earth’s tropical forests
Sullivan, M.J.P.; Lewis, S.L.; Affum-Baffoe, K.; Meer, P.J. van der (Associate Lector)
Thermal disinfection of hospital wastewater in a pilot‑scale continuous‑flow system
Śmiech, K.M. (Lid Lectoraat); Kovács, T. (Student); Wildschut, R.F.; Criado Monleon, A.J.; Vries-Onclin, B. de; Bowen, J.G.; Agostinho , L.L.F. (Lector)
The effect of indoor air quality in Dutch higher education classrooms on students' health and performance
Brink, Henk W.; Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management); Loomans, Marcel G.L.C.; Kort, Helianthe S.M.
A morphological approach for kinetic façade design process to improve visual and thermal comfort : review
M. Hosseini; Masi Mohammadi; A. Rosemann; T. Schröder; J. Lichtenberg
Feasibility of particle image velocimetry for low-speed unconventional vapor flows
Head, A.J.; Novara, M.; Gallo, M. (Lector)
Feasibility of particle image velocimetry for low-speed unconventional vapor flows
Head, A.J.; Novara, M.; Gallo, M. (Lector)
The Thermal and Catalytic Sciences Symposium 2018
Heeres, André