Imagining excentric and poly(ex)centric positionality
E. I. (Elke) Müller (Onderzoeker)
How do higher education students regulate their learning with video modeling examples, worked examples, and practice problems?.
Milou van Harsel (Phd); Vincent Hoogerheide; Eva Janssen; P.P.J.L. Verkoeijen (Lector); Tamara van Gog
Acquiring problem-solving skills in higher education: Sequencing and self-regulated learning from examples and problems
Milou van Harsel
Enhancing students’ critical thinking skills
L.M. van Peppen; P.P.J.L. Verkoeijen; Anita Heijltjes; Eva M. Janssen; T. van Gog
Developing sensor technology innovations with business potential together with students: let's return to the master-apprentice approach
Bruining, Joke; Balje, Jan
Outdoor performance of Infra integrated PV
Heller, Renée (City Net Zero); Sewalt, Karl
Effects of different sequences of examples and problems on motivation and learning.
Milou van Harsel; Vincent Hoogerheide; P.P.J.L. Verkoeijen; T. van Gog
Recording and accounting for stakeholder involvement in systematic reviews
MSc M.I. Bal (Lid Lectoraat); Dr. J.N.T. Sattoe (Lid Lectoraat); M.A. Missler; F. van Wesel; H.R. Boeije; M.C. Saan