Unlocking the Path to Sustainability- Multi-Brand Retail SMEs as Agents of Change in the Fashion Supply Chain
van Leyen, Bensimon (Student); Schellens, Sander; Moonilal, Merunisha
Navigating hang tag communication from a consumer perspective
Slak, Neža (Student); Breuer, Rebecca; Feitsma, Maaike
Smart robotics: de spraakherkenning van Pepper
Tyghri, Ahmed (Student); Middendorp, Henk; Emmen, Leon
The workprogram for penetration testing of ZigBee enabled IoT devices
Rusek, Dominika (Student); Jedeloo, Arthur; Slobbe, Jeroen
Haas, Jazzy de (Student); N.N.,
Exploring the Viability of Metaverse Shopping Experiences in Creating Emotional Connections and Driving Purchases on Luxury E-Commerce Platforms
Heyer, Lisa (Student); Schellens, Sander; Mathura-Meghani, Mausam
Making toys by yourself! A thesis on the importance of play and how to make your own toys
Veerman, Alice (Student); Christianen, Cassandra (Student); Tigchelaar, Eric
Mobiele app ter ondersteuning bij psychose: Afstudeerproject gericht op de criteria voor een drill and practice app ter verbetering van de cognitieve flexibiliteit bij jongeren met een vroege psychose binnen de Zorglijn "Vroege Psychose"
Derby, Samanta (Student); IJfs, Laura (Student); de Jong, Thomas (Student); Lelie-Overduin, Marjo (Student); Vromen, Inge
Afstudeeropdracht Assistive Technology
van Bennekom, M.D. (Student); van den Burg, S. (Student); Duut, B. (Student); Kloen, A.P. (Student); van Niel, Miranda
Inclusive marketplaces in Myanmar: a study into the design of different tools to support the development of inclusive marketplaces
Stroucken, N. (Student); Neutkens, I. (Student); Tigchelaar, E.