Effectiveness of sustainability certifications and their corresponding labels among dairy products consumers
Mehrzadi, N. (Student); Eweg, H.P.A.
Dilemmas and avenues of digital interaction and distance in the living labs Upper Citarum and Enrekang
Roosmini, D.; Witteveen, L.M. (Lector); Lairing, N.; Mayangsari, I.D.
The influence of drought on household food security
Chibuyi, J. (Student); Rooij, J.H.M. van
What is a piece of tack?
Wolframm, I.A. (Lector)
VPA Het Nieuwe Telen
Witteveen, L.M. (Lector)
Plaats delict in De Molkfabryk
Pennewaard, M.
Industrial mining and its effects on household's livelihood in Luhwindja, South-Kivu / D.R.Congo
Homer, M.N. (Student); Velde, J. te