The benefits of community involvement to stimulate physical activities in the city of Groningen
Wiggers, Hiske; Shokoohi, Roya; de Jong, Johan (Healthy Lifestyle, Sports And Physical Activity)
Active living
Wiggers, Hiske; Shokoohi, Roya
Drawing or Tracking? Study cycling behaviour of young teenagers in the Netherlands
Weitkamp, Gerd; Shokoohi, Roya
Family-based HEPA approach in the school & sport club context
Shokoohi, Roya; de Jong, Johan (Healthy Lifestyle, Sports And Physical Activity); De Martelaer, Kristine
The complexities of a biking transition in a car dependent city: evidence from Kuala Lumpur
Shokoohi, Roya
Communities of practice for healthy lifestyle (COP4HL)
de Jong, Johan (Healthy Lifestyle, Sports And Physical Activity); Shokoohi, Roya; Kubbinga, Chris; Beenen, Paul; Príncipe Ferreira de Fonseca Ramos, Tiago
Stand up and move forward
de Jong, Johan (Healthy Lifestyle, Sports And Physical Activity); Shokoohi, Roya
Active transportation and geographic context
Weitkamp, Gerd; Plazier, Paul; Shokoohi, Roya