Associating Facebook Measurable Activities with Personality Traits: a Fuzzy Sets Approach
Nikos Misirlis; G. Lekakos; M. Vlachopoulou
Effects of Personality Traits on Facebook Use
Hatzithomas Leonidas; Nikos Misirlis; Christina Boutsouki; Maro Vlachopoulou
The approach-avoidance tendency to facial emotions in relation to personality traits
Wong, YK (Yukee) (Student)
The importance of values for brand purchase
Ronald Voorn (Onderzoeker); Gerrita van der Veen (Lector); T. J. L. van Rompay (Onderzoeker); Sabrina Hegner (Onderzoeker); Ad Pruyn (Onderzoeker)
Do personality traits affect responsiveness of juvenile delinquents to treatment?
Asscher, Jessica J.; Dekovic, Maja; van den Akker, Alithe L.; Manders, Willeke A.; Prins, Pier J.M.; van der Laan, Peter H.; Prinzie, Peter
Business leadership concepts exemplified by the two exceptional leaders Daniel Vasella and Ricardo Semler
Alexander Betov (Docent); Patrick Szillat (Docent)
Personality traits of expert teachers of students with behavioural problems: a review and classification of the literature
Buttner, Svenja; Pijl, S.J.; Bijstra, J.; van den Bosch, Els
Product Type and Personality in Brand Relationships
Ronald Voorn (Lid Lectoraat); Ad Pruyn; Sabrina Hegner
Career learning and career learning environment in Dutch higher education
M.A.C.T. (Marinka) Kuijpers (Lector); F.J.M. (Frans) Meijers (Lector)
Creating new cultures, new markets, new paradigms
Maximilian Bangen (Student); Ramon Marmolejos (Begeleider); Leewee Chew-Rietberg (Begeleider)