Opening beweegroutes Vinkhuizen
van Holland, Berry
Gronings dorp gezocht
Sekuur, Mark (Leefomgeving In Transitie)
Social work paradigms
Boekhoven, Jeroen
Professional doctorate in arts and creative
Coumans, Anke
Overlap of language and motor skills between children with DCD and DLD
van der Schaaf, A.L. (Youth, Education And Society); Kisjes, Jelle (Youth, Education And Society); Mombarg, Remo (Sports Science); Noordstar, Johannes; Gerrits, Ellen; Wijnen, Frank; Luinge, Margreet (Language Function & Healthy Ageing)
Samen sterker in het (Talent) Onderwijs
Kamans, Elanor
Co-creation in a quintuple helix, the art of including natural environments of society in a living lab that includes different types of stakeholders and monitoring the quality of this process of co-creation
Meister-Broekema, Peter
Inwonersbetrokkenheid bij ruimtelijke veranderingen in de leefomgeving
Bulder, E.A.M.; Ubels, Hiska
College Werken met WOW
Veth, Klaske