Zocht je misschien: classroom?
Newcomers in classrooms; tips and tricks
Steenbeek, Henderien
Towards an integrated case method in management education: developing an ecosystem-based research and learning journey for flipped classrooms
J.P. Büchler; G. Brüggelambert; H. de Haan-Cao; R. Sherlock; A. Savanevičienė
From speck to story: relating history of mathematics to the cognitive demand level of tasks
van den Bogaart-Agterberg, D. A. (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo)); Oostdam, R. J. (Lectoraat Maatwerk In Leren En Instructie); Janssen, F. J. J. M.
The influence of indoor air quality in classrooms on students’ short-term academic performance
Brink, Henk Willem
The influence of indoor air quality in classrooms on the short-term academic performance of students in higher education; a field study during a regular academic course
Brink, Henk Willem; Loomans, Marcel G.L.C.; Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management); Kort, Helianthe S.M.
How can teachers build partnerships with lower-educated parents in support of young children’s oral language development? Evaluation of an adaptive program
M.S. van der Pluijm; A.J.S. van Gelderen; M.E.A. Lusse; J. Kessels
School composition and multiple ethnic identities of migrant-origin adolescents in the Netherlands
Gert-Jan Veerman (Lector); Lucinda Platt
Designing a communicative foreign language assessment program for Dutch secondary schools
Charline Rouffet (Onderzoeker); Catherine van Beuningen (Onderzoeker); Rick de Graaff (Lector)
Perfect disguises
Goodnight, Kristina; van Beuningen, Catherine (Kenniscentrum Onderwijs En Opvoeding); de Graaff, Rick