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Business education and its paradoxes: Linking business and biodiversity through critical pedagogy curriculum
Kopnina, Helen; Hughes, Alice C.; Zhang, Ruopiao (Scarlett); Russell, Mike (Lectoraat Ondernemerschap); Fellinger, Engelbert (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); Smith, Simon M.; Tickner, Les
Towards the Circular Management of Construction and Demolition Waste
Tolentino-Zondervan, Frazen (Faculteit Business En Economie (Fbe)); van Winden, Willem (Lectoraat Urban Economic Innovation)
Effectiveness of Teaching & Learning Practices in Finance for International Business Students
Grabovets, Kateryna (Research Centre Biobased Economy)
Doing Business in a Globalised World – New Realities and the Role of Business Schools
Bakker, Diederich
Review of the Last Decade of Global Citizenship Among Students: Exploratory Note and a Unified Framework
Nikos Misirlis (Onderzoeker)
Is AI 'just' a new technology? On integrating AI education in digital design curricula
Koen van Turnhout (Onderzoeker); Shakila Shayan (Onderzoeker); Aletta Smits (Onderzoeker)
Educating for a Changing Media Landscape: Four Scenarios for Journalism Education in 2030
Maaike Severijnen (Onderzoeker); Yael de Haan (Lector)
Toward a model of global citizenship in business education
Ingrid Van Rompay-Bartels; Ron Tuninga
An IMAGE Case Compilation
Arbones Aran, N. (Faculteit Business En Economie (Fbe)); Petkova, S.I. (Amsib (Cedis)); Moodey, L.