Social Impact Evaluation Report: Audience Feedback on the 5th of May Rijksmuseum ‘Vrijheidsmaaltijd’ Connection Through Dialogue Extra Programming
Cristina Jiménez Peralta
Measuring the intangible. How to evaluate the Spatial Sound Platform from an audience perspective.
Alice Dimastrogiovanni (Student)
Versatile Procedural Texturing for Stylized 3D Assets
Calin, S (Sorina) (Student)
Enhancing Sustainable Attitudes Among Panorama Film’s Employees
Giulia Clara Espositi (Student); Maarten Jurriaanse (Begeleider); Danielle Walsh (Begeleider)
News perception in Virtual Reality
Malyk, K (Kateryna) (Student)
The road to customer loyalty at thegreenlabels
Klára Nentvichová (Student)
Using a digital interactive narrative as guided self-reflection for beginning nurses to encourage self-care
Bril, Ivo; Degens, Nick; Fleer, J; van Gemert-Pijnen, Lisette
De juiste positionering voor Haaglanden Motorsport
Mike Jansen (Student)
Supporting older adults in exercising with a tablet
Mehra, Sumit; Visser, Bart (Faculteit Gezondheid); Cila, Nazli; van den Helder, Jantine; Engelbert, Raoul HH; Weijs, Peter JM (Lectoraat Voeding En Beweging); Kröse, Ben JA (Kenniscentrum Create-It)
Assessing Oral Presentation Performance
Stan van Ginkel (Lid Lectoraat); Ramona Laurentzen; Martin Mulder; Asko Mononen; Janika Kyttä