Bildung-making as a key for inclusive education
Hanke Drop (Onderzoeker); Peter Mesker (Onderzoeker)
Bovenschoolse Kenniswerkplaats Gezonde Leefstijl
van der Sluis, Alien; Bouma, Adrie; Werkman, Andrea; van der Velde, Jorien; Kamphuis, Helen; Frerichs, Esther
41st Annual Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) Congress 2013
Valsdóttir, Kristín
Collective learning in primary schools and teacher education institutes. Quinta Kools (Lector); Dr Marjan Vermeulen; Dr Jos Castelijns (Lector)
Becoming a teacher educator: experiences with a specific induction period for beginning teacher educators.
Rita Schildwacht (Lid Lectoraat); Marly Gootzen (Lid Lectoraat); Quinta Kools (Lector); Marije Veraa (Lid Lectoraat)