Zocht je misschien: psychogeriatric, psychogeriatrie?
Sensortechnology for monitoring challenging behavior in nursing home residents with dementia
Deters, Jan Kleine (Sensors And Smart Systems); Misier, Rinesh Baidjnath; Janus, Sarah; Burger, Huib; Wörtche, Heinrich (Sensors And Smart Systems); Zuidema, Sytse U
Treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder in people with dementia: a structured literature review
J.E. Ruisch; A.H.M. Nederstigt; A. van der Vorst; S.N. Boersma; M.T. Vink; C.M. Hoeboer; M. Olff; S. Sobczak
A first insight into the clinical manifestation of posttraumatic stress disorder in dementia: a systematic literature review
D.H.E. van Dongen; D. Havermans; K. Deckers; M. Olff; F. Verhey; S. Sobczak
Care-resistant behaviour during oral examination in Dutch nursing home residents with dementia
MS Willems; Vanessa Hollaar; CD van der Maarel-Wierink; GJ van der Putten; Ton Satink
Perspectives on recovery by older persons with bipolar disorder, their caregivers, and mental healthcare professionals
Moniek Dijk; Caroline M. Sonnenberg; Margot C.M Triebels; Anna Luijn; Jaap Stel; Max, L. Stel; B.K.G. (Berno) van Meijel (Lector); Barbara Regeer; Annemiek Dols
Association between advanced glycation end-products and functional performance in Alzheimer's disease and mixed dementia
Drenth, Hans; Zuidema, Sytse U; Krijnen, Wim P (Statistical Techniques For Applied Research); Bautmans, Ivan; van der Schans, Cees (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Hobbelen, Hans (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing)
Does working with the Veder Contact Method influence the job satisfaction of caregivers?
Petra Boersma (Lid Lectoraat)
The challenges of shared decision making in dementia care networks
L Groen - van de Ven; Carolien Smits; Marijke Span; J.S. Jukema; K.C. Coppoolse; Jan Eefsting; M. Vernooij-Dassen; J. de Lange (Lector)
The use of mood boards to study housing needs of nursing home residents with dementia
J. van Hoof (Docent); M.R. Sprong; H.R. Marston; B.M. Janssen (Docent)
The effects of a multi-component dyadic intervention on the psychological distress of family caregivers providing care to people with dementia: a randomized controlled trial
J. Twisk; A.M. Pot; A. Prick; J. de Lange (Lector)