Paul Vernier (Student)
Ontwikkeling van polyurethaanschuim print sleeves en applicatieproces
Elwin Bastiaan-Net; Hugo Verzellenberg
Wearable Tactile Technology and the Felt-Body, a Paradigm Shift
Breuer, Rebecca Louise (Kenniscentrum Create-It)
Tatoeages, een onuitwisbare indruk
Janine Janssen; Mark Westerlaken
Self touch to touch others
Huisman, Gijs; Darriba Frederiks, Aduén; Heylen, Dirk; Van Dijk, Betsy; Kröse, Ben
Towards tactile expressions of emotion through mediated touch
Huisman, Gijs; Darriba Frederiks, Aduén
The TaSST - Tactile Sleeve for Social Touch
Huisman, Gijs; Darriba Frederiks, Aduén; Van Dijk, Betsy; Heylen, Dirk
Feasibility and profitability of chain integration by NCPAK on flower sleeves products in European market
Yan, X. (Student); Hoekstra, J.