Worry as Important “Feelers” in Clinical Anesthesia Practice: A Mixed-Methods Study
Noa Robben; Angelique Dierick-van Daele; Arthur Bouwman; Franciscus van Loon
Betwixt and between: A systematic review on the role of ambivalence in environmental behaviours
Van Gent, Marije J. (Lectoraat Psychologie Voor Een Duurzame Stad); Onwezen, Marleen C.; Renes, Reint Jan (Lectoraat Psychologie Voor Een Duurzame Stad); Handgraaf, Michel
A life-cycle approach highlights the nutritional and environmental superiority of agroecology over conventional farming
Pelman, A.; Vries, J.W. de (Associate Lector); Tepper, S.; Eshel, G.; Carmel, Y.; Shepon, A.
Integrating sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) for resilient urban living
Ina Slavcheva (Student); Sondos Saad Shaaban (Docent); Mireille Martens (Begeleider)
Advancing the Decarbonization of the Construction Sector: Lifecycle Quality and Performance Assurance of Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings
Emanuele Piaia (Onderzoeker); Beatrice Turillazzi (Onderzoeker); Roberto Di Giulio (Onderzoeker); Rizal Sebastian (Onderzoeker)
Restoration of herbivory on Caribbean coral reefs
Butler, M.J.; Durain, A.; Feehan, C.J.; Harborne, A.R.; Hylkema, A. (Onderzoeker); Patterson, J.T.; Sharp, W.C.; Spadaro, A.J.; Wijers, T. (Onderzoeker); Williams, S.M.; Arias González, J.E.
9 Dimensions for evaluating how art and creative practice stimulate societal transformations
Vervoort, Joost M.; Smeenk, Tara; Zamuruieva, Iryna; Reichelt, Lisa L.; van Veldhoven, Mae; Rutting, Lucas; Light, Ann; Houston, Lara; Wolstenholme, Ruth; Dolejšová, Markéta; Jain, Anab; Ardern, Jon; Catlow, Ruth; Vaajakallio, Kirsikka; Falay von Flittner, Zeynep; Putrle-Srdić, Jana; Lohmann, Julia C.; Moossdorff, Carien; Mattelmäki, Tuuli; Ampatzidou, Cristina; Choi, Jaz Hee-jeong (Lectoraat Civic Interaction Design); Botero, Andrea; Thompson, Kyle A.; Torrens, Jonas; Lane, Richard; Mangnus, Astrid C.
Capturing the well-being exposome in poly-environmental scores.
van de Weijer, M.P.; Pelt, Dirk H.M.; Baselmans, Bart M.L. (Faculteit Techniek (Ft)); Ligthart, Lannie; Huider, Floris; Hottenga, Jouke-Jan; Pool, René; Bartels, Meike
Inclusive Dialogues: WokeBot Engaging Diversity Dilemmas
Mirjam de Haas (Onderzoeker); Veerle Hobbelink (Onderzoeker); Matthijs Smakman (Onderzoeker)
How can we understand and stimulate evidence-informed educational change?
Kristin Vanlommel (Lector); Elske van den Boom-Muilenburg (Onderzoeker)