Restoration of herbivory on Caribbean coral reefs
are fishes, urchins, or crabs the solution?Restoration of herbivory on Caribbean coral reefs
are fishes, urchins, or crabs the solution?Samenvatting
That coral reefs are in decline worldwide, particularly in the Caribbean, will come as no surprise. This decades-long decline has reached a potential tipping point as the weight of the effects of climate change have come decidedly to bear on the planet’s most diverse marine ecosystem. Whether coral reefs can persist without restorative intervention is debatable, which has prompted a surge in coral reef restoration projects focusing primarily on the cultivation and transplantation of coral fragments onto degraded reefs. But that widespread approach does little to address the underlying causes of coral loss, one of which is the proliferation of macroalgae that are deleterious to corals. An emerging solution to this problem is the enhancement of herbivory on coral reefs through improved management of herbivores, artificial enhancement of herbivore settlement, or their mariculture and subsequent stocking. This review explores the nuances of the biology of well-studied Caribbean coral reef herbivores (fishes, sea urchins, and crabs) as it relates to their mariculture and investigates the promise of herbivore stocking onto coral reefs as a restoration strategy.

Organisatie | Van Hall Larenstein |
Lectoraat | Coastal & Marine Systems |
Gepubliceerd in | Frontiers in Marine Science Frontiers Media, Lausanne, Vol. 11, Pagina's: 1-23 |
Datum | 2024-03-18 |
Type | Artikel |
ISSN | 2296-7745 |
DOI | 10.3389/fmars.2024.1329028 |
Taal | Engels |