Nature-inclusive guiding principles
white paper, two-year research on nature-inclusive area developmentNature-inclusive guiding principles
white paper, two-year research on nature-inclusive area developmentSamenvatting
Urban nature enhancement is a theme that needs to be considered across different scales. From pocket parks and façade-greening to urban green infrastructure, biodiversity thrives best through connectivity.In the SIA-project, Nature-inclusive Area Development, four universities of applied sciences - Aeres University of Applied Sciences, Avans University of Applied Sciences, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, and Van Hall Larenstein University of AppliedSciences- researched three levels of area development to accelerate the transition to nature-inclusive area development. The study consisted of three case studies: Waarder Railway Zone (building), Knowledge Mile Park (KMP - street - Amsterdam), and AlmereCentre-Pampus (area).

Organisatie | Aeres Hogeschool |
Lectoraat | Innovatie & Groenstedelijke Ruimte |
Jaar | 2024 |
Type | Rapport |
Taal | Engels |