Lecturers’ curational behaviour in higher education
Lecturers’ curational behaviour in higher education
The demands on lecturers in higher education to select, structure, and contextualise relevant and up-to-date resources for their students have increased; behaviour that is often referred to as curation. Currently, systematic insight into lecturers’ curational behaviour is limited. This scoping literature review provides an overview of the existing body of knowledge regarding lecturers’ curational behaviour. Twenty-four articles were selected and analysed, using the framework of Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behaviour). Findings show that although studies can be linked to elements of the TPB, current research does not approach curational behaviour as an interconnected process of behaviour and its intentions. Additionally, current research mainly focusses on selection of resources; other elements of curation such as structuring resources and providing context are overlooked. More knowledge of lecturers’ curational behaviour could lead to better understanding of how lecturers’ curation could be supported, which could improve the quality of higher education.

Organisatie | Hogeschool van Amsterdam |
Gepubliceerd in | Teaching in Higher Education: Critical Perspectives Vol. 28, Uitgave: 6, Pagina's: 1207-1226 |
Jaar | 2023 |
Type | Artikel |
DOI | 10.1080/13562517.2021.1872530 |
Taal | Engels |