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FIT Decision Aid: Matching the Needs of People with Dementia and Caregivers with Products and Services

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FIT Decision Aid: Matching the Needs of People with Dementia and Caregivers with Products and Services

Closed access


Although there exist various product and services to support people with dementia in their everyday activities and challenges, people with dementia and their informal caregivers experience many unmet needs. In this paper, we present the ongoing development process of a decision aid that aims to reveal these unmet needs and match them with relevant support and care solutions. This entails investigating the needs of people with dementia and caregivers, making an inventory of the product and service solutions, co-creating the question articulation to be used in the decision aid and developing and testing three design concepts. We aim that the insights we gained from the tests will inspire interaction designers and researchers that investigate person-centered dementia care.

OrganisationHogeschool van Amsterdam
Published in16th IFIP TC 13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction Mumbai, India, IND
TypeConference object

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