Extramural healthcare for patients suffering from Korsakoff's syndrome
new nursing and legal challengesExtramural healthcare for patients suffering from Korsakoff's syndrome
new nursing and legal challengesSamenvatting
Patients living at home who suffer from Korsakoff's syndrome (KS) need highly specialistic care from competent healthcare professionals who can bridge the gap between specialistic and generalistic care. Patients suffering from KS lack insight into their illness and often do not have any care demands for themselves. A voluntary admission is not at issue. However, they need professional care due to physical and mental deterioration and without help they will literally drink themselves to death. An involuntary admission is only possible when the criteria mentioned in the Dutch Compulsory Admission Act (BOPZ) are met. Generally, the presence of KS is insufficient to consider a mental disorder, which means that an involuntary admission will not be possible. The only possibility for this group will be extramural healthcare. In 2020 two new acts will replace the BOPZ. The Compulsory Mental Health Care Act (WvGGZ) and the Care and Compulsion Act (WZD). The WZD can be applied on patients suffering from Korsakoff's syndrome. Both acts offer the possibility to apply coercive home healthcare. Healthcare professionals working with patients suffering from KS note that they are missing experience, skills and information about working in an extramural setting. What competencies do they need to provide good care for people with KS? New challenges are created when the new legislation has to be applied. This research project investigates, firstly, what good extramural care is for patients suffering from KS. Secondly, what competencies extramural healthcare professionals need in order to provide care that increases the quality of life of people with KS, meet the needs of people with KS and their informal caregivers, and takes into account the human rights of these patients.

Organisatie | Hogeschool van Amsterdam |
Gepubliceerd in | 7th Conference on Health Law |
Datum | 2019-09-27 |
Type | Conferentiebijdrage |
Taal | Engels |