Should social programs target finances, health, or well-being
the complex relationship between financial, physical, and mental well-being and its program implicationsShould social programs target finances, health, or well-being
the complex relationship between financial, physical, and mental well-being and its program implicationsSamenvatting
In recent years, both scientists and the general population gained awareness of the deep entanglement between finances, health, and well-being. People cannot be reduced to a set of problems to be tackled independently, thinking that somehow these solutions add up to solve the problem as a whole.4 Researchers pay increasing attention to how problems are related, and many lessons have been learned over time. Policy-makers and practitioners who understand the complex relationship between financial, physical, and mental well-being find themselves in the unique position to use these insights in how they design their programs. This paper provides an overview of academic and grey literature and the lessons we can learn from these studies.

Organisatie | Hogeschool van Amsterdam |
Jaar | 2022 |
Type | Rapport |
Taal | Engels |