A questionnaire to measure direct support professionals’ attitude towards healthy nutrition of people with intellectual disabilities
A questionnaire to measure direct support professionals’ attitude towards healthy nutrition of people with intellectual disabilities
Background: Direct support professionals’(DSPs’) attitudes toward nutrition are important for supporting a healthy lifestyle of persons with intellectual disabilities. However, there are no instruments to measure it. The aim of this study was to compose a questionnaire and determine its internal validity. Method: The previously validated Health Enhancing Physical Activity questionnaire was adapted into the Attitude of DSPs for Health Enhancing Nutrition (ADSP-HENU) and completed by 31 DSPs. The internal validity of the questionnaire was investigated by Cronbach’s Alpha and an exploratorynon-parametric item response analysis (NIRT). Results: The internal consistency by Cronbach’s Alpha was good (0.87, 95% CI [0.81–0.94]). NIRT showed monotonicity with wide confidence bounds and sufficient point polyserial correlations of the items. This indicates that each attributes to the overall measured attitude. Conclusion: The internal validity of the ADSP-HENU is promising, and it can be used in daily practice for evaluation or adapting interventions to DSPs’ needs.
Organisatie | Hanze |
Gepubliceerd in | Journal of intellectual & developmental disability Taylor and Francis Group, Vol. 48, Uitgave: 2, Pagina's: 138-145 |
Datum | 2022-10-16 |
Type | Artikel |
DOI | 10.3109/13668250.2022.2106696 |
Taal | Engels |