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The potential of permaculture principles in the agrifood transition

analysing the values and opportunities of Dutch ‘food forest’ business models

Open access

The potential of permaculture principles in the agrifood transition

analysing the values and opportunities of Dutch ‘food forest’ business models

Open access


The current western agrifood system is highly successful in providing for human needs. However, the dominant agricultural approach of up-scaling and specialisation is put under pressure by a number of developments in the global landscape. Global developments such as population growth, pollution, soil degradation and climate change, in which agriculture plays a crucial role, make the need for a transition towards a paradigm with a broader range of values evident. Niche initiatives often develop as a reaction to needs not fulfilled by the regime. Therefore, certain niches may have the potential of driving a necessary transition. This research aims to determine if permaculture, being a niche, has this potential. The main question for this research was formulated as follows: How can a production system based on permaculture principles contribute to the agrifood transition? To answer this question, relevant current trends and global developments were used as a basis for developing a future scenario. Empirical qualitative data on permaculture businesses in the Netherlands was gathered as well, of which the results were used for a determination of permaculture’s performance in this future scenario. This was done by comparing a standardised permaculture system with a conventional potato system. As a result of this comparison, the Unique Selling Points of permaculture were identified, which determine the future potential of permaculture.

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OrganisatieHAS Green Academy
LectoraatNieuwe Business Modellen voor Landbouw- en Voedseltransitie
Innovatief Ondernemen met Natuur

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