Een veilige stageplaats voor uw leerlingen, een loze belofte?
een afstudeeronderzoek naar de veiligheidswaarborging van stagiaires binnen de hippische sectorEen veilige stageplaats voor uw leerlingen, een loze belofte?
een afstudeeronderzoek naar de veiligheidswaarborging van stagiaires binnen de hippische sectorSamenvatting
The safety of trainee workers or interns at equestrian businesses has been subject too much debate over the recent years. As research has shown that injuries sustained by equestrian enthusiasts are relatively few but serious in nature. Recently the regulations governing the placement of interns has been changed, in the hope that the change would have a positive effect on the safety of the trainee.The changes however had an unexpected side-effect on the number and diversity of available internships.As the effectiveness of the subjected changes is not known and the costs are substantial, some equestrian businesses can`t or won`t meet the requirements of the changed regulations and get (re)certified.This means that no intern can be placed, as the equestrian business is uncertified. As a result of this effect the total number and diversity of the available internships has been strongly reduced.
Organisatie | Van Hall Larenstein |
Afdeling | Diermanagement |
Partner | Hogeschool Van Hall Larenstein |
Datum | 2014-07-01 |
Type | Bachelor |
Taal | Nederlands |