Influence of landscape structure and forest age on the richness and abundance of different bird feeding guilds and forest-dependent birds in a seasonal dry tropical forest of Yucatan, Mexico
Influence of landscape structure and forest age on the richness and abundance of different bird feeding guilds and forest-dependent birds in a seasonal dry tropical forest of Yucatan, Mexico
Tropical dry forests (TDF) are subject to intense human intervention leading to an increase of secondary forests and changes in habitat suitability for birds. Despite the increasing research on secondary forests, we have little understanding of how such changes intropical dry forests have affected animal communities. The main goal of this research was to investigate the influence of successional age, vegetation structure, and landscape characteristics on tropical bird species or functional groups (i.e. feeding guilds, forestdependent birds, and individual species of conservation interest) in a TDF.

Organisatie | Van Hall Larenstein |
Lectoraat | Management of Forested Landscapes |
Gepubliceerd in | Tropical Ecology International Society for Tropical Ecology, Varanasi, Vol. 57, Uitgave: 2, Pagina's: 313-332 |
Jaar | 2016 |
Type | Artikel |
ISSN | 0564-3295 |
Taal | Engels |