Plant traits in relation to arbuscular mycorrhizal mixotrophy
Plant traits in relation to arbuscular mycorrhizal mixotrophy
Plants growing in the understory of forests are often light limited. The competition for light has over time evolved in different survival strategies, different survival strategies result in differences in traits between plant species. New findings suggest that green plants might be able to take up carbon from fungi, this strategy is called mixotrophy. A proxy for mixotrophy is colonization with Paris-type arbuscularmycorrhiza. Being able to take up carbon from fungi will potentially result in differences in certain plant traits compared to autotrophic (Arum-type) plants. This results in the following main question: In which above- and belowground traits do potential mixotrophic plants (Paris-type) differ from autotrophic (Arum-type) plants?

Organisatie | Van Hall Larenstein |
Afdeling | Bos- en Natuurbeheer |
Partner | Hogeschool Van Hall Larenstein |
Naturalis Biodiversity Center | |
Jaar | 2023 |
Type | Bachelor |
Taal | Engels |