Estimating occupancy heat gains from CO2 measurements
Estimating occupancy heat gains from CO2 measurements
gains and internal gains from appliances,heat gains from occupants are an importantsource contributing to space heating indomestic buildings. It is necessary toconsciously consider all of these heat gainswhen aiming at accurately estimating theheat loss coefficient (HLC) of a building.Whilst sensor technology and algorithms areavailable to quantify the contribution of theheating system, solar gains and electricalappliances, the accurate estimation of thesensible heat gain from occupants ischallenging due to its stochastic character.

Organisatie | Saxion |
Afdeling | Academie BBT |
Lectoraat | Sustainable Building Technology & Material |
Datum | 2019-12-01 |
Type | Artikel |
Taal | Engels |