After us the deluge
After us the deluge
Every well intentioned innovation is eventually completely assimilated within the dominant imperative. For example, in VR glasses it has been devised to follow the eye movements, so that the image quality in the centre of your image field (the fovea centralis) is rendered high and low in the periphery. Less processor capacity for graphics leaves more for other aspects of the VR game. Meanwhile standard in VR glasses, used to pause commercials when users look away. Indeed, the imperative is earning, infinite growth from finite resources, and so this clever technical innovation is turned to serve that purpose. It is argued that universiteies, governments and businesses that we take our reponsibility in this.

Organisatie | Saxion |
Afdeling | Academie Mens en Arbeid |
Lectoraat | Employability Transition |
Datum | 2022-03-01 |
Type | Artikel |
Taal | Engels |