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Effect wijziging doelstellingsmethodiek : Private-/ klein zakelijke markt en fleet markt

Open access


Effect wijziging doelstellingsmethodiek : Private-/ klein zakelijke markt en fleet markt

Open access



The research is conducted for Nissan Nederland. Since 2017, this company has changed their method of targets engagement. The goal of this change is dividing the method of targets of two car branches of Nissan Nederland, the private market versus the fleet market. The result of this change should help Nissan Nederland to increase the focus of dealer groups at the fleet market, to increase sales and relations between the dealer groups and Nissan Nederland.
From this, the research question follows:
➢ What is the effect of changing the method of targets on the private market and the fleet market for dealer groups?
Current trends of the car industry are reduction of CO2, increasing sales of electric cars, leasing cars instead of buying and when they lease, lease private. Moreover, it has been shown that less people buy cars, whereby the average price of a car has been reduced. The conceptual model is chosen ‘3R-model’ written by Corstiaan Marinus Storm (2017). This model is chosen, to improve the relation between Nissan Nederland and their dealer groups. If the relation is improving, the sales will increase.
Desk research
For this research, different methods are used. First is used the desk research. With the desk research is analyzed sales figures for Nissan Nederland. They are compared with the sales figures of other car brands in the Netherlands. The reason for this is to analyze of Nissan Nederland sales figures are similar to the total car market. The two car branches of Nissan Nederland are analyzed separately.
Field research
The second method that is used is the field research. Surveys are formalized and carried out to dealer groups. The survey is sent to 48 dealer groups. 29 dealer groups filled in the survey. In the survey closed questions have been asked, about the satisfaction of the change, whether this change has caused a change in focus for the private market or the fleet market and if the dealer groups have changed the targets and discounts for both markets.
After the surveys, three interviews are held. Two sales performance managers and one dealer group are interviewed. Two questions are prepared. The first question is: ‘why do dealer groups not focus on the fleet market?’ and the other question is ‘what changes should be made to ensure that dealer groups will focus on the fleet market?’
Following from the theory it is important to focus on the fleet market. The fleet market is growing and in the market a variety is visible, consumers can lease short, long, private. The private market sells fewer new cars and the purchase price is lower than before. Nissan Nederland changed the method of targets, in order to guarantee the relations of small dealer groups with the leasing companies. Nissan Nederland can in addition to ensuring the relationship with the dealer groups, using the 3R’s model. When the relationship with the dealer groups is personal and there is a good reputation, Nissan Nederland can offer the best retail and defend the competitive advantage. Retail, reputation and relation continue strengthen each other. Eventually, this benefit will be reflected in the sales figures of Nissan cars.
In 2017, compared to the general sales figures, sales results from the private market remain behind. This also followed the theory. The sales results from the fleet market is on average comparable with the general sales figures. The sales results are higher. This also followed the theory. In total, the results are on average lower than general sales. Followed from the desk research it is not clear whether the new method of targets will increase the sales figures.
The results of the surveys show that the majority of the dealer groups didn’t want a change in the method of targets. The average satisfaction score of the new system is lower than the average score of the old system. The dealer groups changed their focus to the private market. The reasons for this are: ‘more opportunities, relationships are better and more profit could be achieved’. For both methods (before and after the change) more discounts are given at the fleet market than the private market.
The answers given in the interviews shows that less focus of the fleet market is among the six major dealer groups of Nissan Nederland. The six major dealer groups achieve the highest targets and thereby receive big discounts. The current method of targets for the fleet market consist of discounts. When the dealer groups sell more cars in the fleet market, they will get more discounts from Nissan Nederland. Because the six major dealer groups receive big discounts, they can make a better offer to lease companies, compared to small dealer groups. The interviewees have given answers for a possible solution. First, Nissan Nederland should stop the current method of targets. They need to think of a new method for the fleet market, where the targets and discounts for big and small dealer groups are in proportion.

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OrganisatieHogeschool Leiden
OpleidingCommerciële Economie
AfdelingFaculteit M&B
PartnerNissan Nederland

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