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Innovation Management of SMEs in the Creative Sector in Flanders and the Netherlands

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Rechten:Alle rechten voorbehouden

Innovation Management of SMEs in the Creative Sector in Flanders and the Netherlands

Open access

Rechten:Alle rechten voorbehouden


This article studies the innovation management of 105 creative SMEs in Flanders and the Netherlands.
This region appears to have an innovative climate and stimulating life style, well developed infrastructure
and proximity of logistics and suppliers. However, we identified many restricting legislations and
regulations that hamper creative SMEs. Above that, creative SMEs fail to find sufficient access to capital
to invest in their growing innovative activities. Dutch creative SMEs find more easily access to external
financial resources and governmental support than their Flemish colleagues. Finally, the use of
managerial and financial tools seems uncommon but required among creative SMEs.

OrganisatieHogeschool Utrecht
AfdelingKenniscentrum Digital Business & Media
Kenniscentrum Innovatie en Business
LectoraatFinancieel-Economische Innovatie
Gepubliceerd inJournal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness North American Business Press, Vol. 6, Uitgave: 3, Pagina's: 140-153

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