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Development and validation of the Tilburg Frailty Indicator-Indonesia version

Multidimensional frailty assessment

Development and validation of the Tilburg Frailty Indicator-Indonesia version

Multidimensional frailty assessment


The aim of this study was to develop and examine the psychometric properties of the Tilburg Frailty Indica tor-Indonesian version (TFI-I). 308 community-dwelling older adults aged 60 years participated. The TFI-I
exhibited favorable internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.775) and test retest reliability (intraclass cor relation coefficient = 0.94). The physical, psychological, and social domains of the TFI-I correlated closely
with the similar constructs of other scales, including the Short Physical Performance Battery (P < .001), Fried
Frailty Phenotype (P < 0.001), Geriatric Depression Scale (P < .001), and the World Health Organization Qual ity of Life scale (P = 0.041), indicating its favorable construct validity. Significant differences were identified
between the robust and frailty groups on the Barthel Index (P = .001) and Lawton Instrumental Activity of
Daily Living Scale (P < .001). Overall, the TFI-I is valid and reliable when used to evaluate frailty status in clin ical and research setting

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OrganisatieHogeschool Inholland
AfdelingDomein Gezondheid, Sport en Welzijn
LectoraatGezondheid en Welzijn van kwetsbare ouderen
Gepubliceerd inGeriatric Nursing Elsevier, Vol. 2024, Uitgave: 59, Pagina's: 614-622

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