Ukraine’s Kharkiv offensive through Jomini’s eyes
Ukraine’s Kharkiv offensive through Jomini’s eyes
Following the initial failure of the Russian invasion of Ukraine that began on February 24,
2022, fighting along the front has largely degenerated into a grinding war of attrition,
characterized by positional – often urban – warfare, remotely conducted (precision) strikes
and meeting engagements between relatively small-scale manoeuvre elements. While this
article is being written the Ukrainian summer offensive has only been steadily progressing.
Nonetheless, approximately one year before, on September 6, 2022, Ukrainian forces
unleashed a daring counter-offensive around Kharkiv that quickly developed into a stunning
success. As the only such one in the war thus far, it represented a feat of arms that, according
to some, was reminiscent of the German blitzkrieg years.1 In a mere six days Ukrainian forces
re-conquered a territory of around 6,000 square kilometres and advanced up to 70 kilometres
deep into Russian-held territory, threatening Russian forces with encirclement, forcing them
into a headlong retreat and capturing a vast amount of Russian military equipment.

Organisatie | Ministerie van Defensie - NLDA |
Afdeling | Faculteit Militaire Wetenschappen |
Lectoraat | Krijgswetenschappen |
Gepubliceerd in | Militaire Spectator KVBK, Den Haag, Vol. 192, Uitgave: 10, Pagina's: 452-465 |
Jaar | 2023 |
Type | Artikel |
Taal | Nederlands |