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Designing for dementia : an analysis of design principles

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Designing for dementia : an analysis of design principles

Open access



Designing for people with dementia requires a tailored approach that addresses the specific complexities related to dementia⁠. Design principles can provide guidance for designing in this complex context⁠. Work in this field discusses recommendations, guidelines, or principles to design for dementia⁠. However, this information is scattered and a clear overview of design principles, that designers can apply, is missing⁠. In this paper we propose a set of design principles that is grounded in existing literature on designing for people with dementia⁠. We first explore and analyse design recommendations that are described in related work⁠. Next, we merge them into 10 design principles⁠. Finally, we discuss the different roles of these principles, and how they are interconnected⁠. This results in a tool for researchers and designers to use in designing for people with dementia: the Wheel of Design Principles⁠.
Part of project: Access to Music for People with Dementia

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OrganisationHogeschool Windesheim
DepartmentDomein Techniek
LectorateICT-innovaties in de zorg
Published inDRS Digital Library Design Research Society
TypeConference object

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