Samen leren spelen
'een effectmeting naar de Samenspeelgroep van het Jeugdriagg NHZ in HaarlemSamen leren spelen
'een effectmeting naar de Samenspeelgroep van het Jeugdriagg NHZ in HaarlemSamenvatting
This graduate research contains an impact assessment of the ‘samenspeelgroep’ (playing together group) of Jeugdriagg NHZ. The ‘samenspeelgroep’ is a group for children of ages nine to twelve that have been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. These children all experience problems while playing with peers and are participating in the ‘samenspeelgroep’ to learn the skills that are necessary to play together. The skills that the ‘samenspeelgroep’ aims to improve are cooperating, deliberating, accommodating the other and standing up for oneself.
To measure the impact of the ‘samenspeelgroep’ the ‘Sociaal Emotionele Vragenlijst’ (Social Emotional Questionnaire) has been used. With the use of this questionnaire a hypothesis has been made for every child on how the ‘samenspeelgroep’ will affect him or her. A test has been performed both before and after participation in the ‘samenspeelgroep’ with the parents and the teachers. One of these conclusions is that most children got a lower score while testing for behaviour that relates to their hypothesis after their participation in the ‘samenspeelgroep’, which means that they have developed skills that have made them better at cooperating, deliberating, accommodating the other and standing up for themselves. These results vary with every child.
Organisatie | Hogeschool Windesheim |
Opleiding | Psychomotorische Therapie en Bewegingsagogie |
Afdeling | Domein Bewegen en Educatie |
Partner | Hogeschool Windesheim |
Datum | 2013-05-01 |
Type | Bachelor |
Taal | Engels |