Ik zie, ik zie wat jij niet ziet...
'de invloed van context op het aanleren en toepassen van gedrag in de praktijk, bij mensen met een autisme spectrum stoornis.'Ik zie, ik zie wat jij niet ziet...
'de invloed van context op het aanleren en toepassen van gedrag in de praktijk, bij mensen met een autisme spectrum stoornis.'Samenvatting
Many tests, theories and treatments have been developed in order to help people who are diagnosed with autism. During therapy many positive effects of these theories are noticed. However, clients with autism seem to have difficulties to apply the learned behavior in real life. Which is not only frustrating for the therapist, but also for the client. Nevertheless it is an interesting research statistic. ''If there are transfer problems, you should ensure that you do not need to transfer." Vermeulen 2009. In this research it is examined whether psychomoric therapy given in 'the real life' context of a person diagnosed with ASD gives advantages compared to the same treatment given within an institution. This question is answered by means of a literature review. This thesis examines the specific limitations of individuals with a disorder in the autism spectrum. You will find an explanation about psychomotoric therapy together with leanig styles of this particular target group. Also theories of autism are mentioned and transfer factors and autism as context blindness will be combined and linked together. Thereafter the results will be shown in the report. From these results it can be concluded that treatment in 'the real life' context certainly has advantages compared to the same treatment within an institution.

Organisatie | Hogeschool Windesheim |
Afdeling | Human Movement & Sports |
Jaar | 2013 |
Type | Bachelor |
Taal | Nederlands |