Innovation of Zwolle International
Innovation of Zwolle International
This bachelor thesis investigates how the organization Zwolle International can innovate on the program to maintain the subsidy of the municipality Zwolle, which is one of the largest sponsors for this equine event. In a letter the municipality states the program is not innovative enough. In three ways, information is gathered to find the answer on how to maintain the subsidy for 2011. Written sources are used such as literature about innovation, information about the equine sector, reports of the municipality Zwolle and information about the event organization. A questionnaire is used to discover the opinion of the visitors of Zwolle International 2010. People closely involved in the event are interviewed, to explore the situation, to gain more information and to get their perspective on innovating Zwolle International.

Organisatie | Van Hall Larenstein |
Afdeling | Dier- en veehouderij |
Jaar | 2010 |
Type | Bachelor |
Taal | Engels |