Transfer of learning : factors influencing the transfer of learning in training smallholder farmers by Agritex extension workers in Zimbabwe on moisture conservation innovations
Transfer of learning : factors influencing the transfer of learning in training smallholder farmers by Agritex extension workers in Zimbabwe on moisture conservation innovations
Zimbabwe is a country where rainfall is unreliable and its frequency and intensity has decreased for the last ten years now. This is affecting the growth of crops especial for most smallholder farmers who are depending on rain fed agriculture. In order to improve maize productivity in the areas affected by dry spell Agritex and support from NGOs and other organisations are training smallholder farmers on new moisture conservation innovations. This helps to improve moisture availability to crops when there is a dry spell during the growing season. The aim of training farmers the new innovations is to transfer learning so that they use the knowledge and skills in their farms thereby improve crop productivity. This research has identified the factors that influence the transfer of learning in training small holder farmers on the new moisture conservation innovations by Agritex. Different training approaches used by Agritex extension workers were identified and how they can support and hinder transfer of learning on new innovations.

Organisatie | Van Hall Larenstein |
Afdeling | Management of Development |
Jaar | 2011 |
Type | Master |
Taal | Engels |