Recreational field analysis Zwolle : an analysis of recreation opportunities in Staatsbosbeheer areas around Zwolle
Recreational field analysis Zwolle : an analysis of recreation opportunities in Staatsbosbeheer areas around Zwolle
Zwolle is a fast growing city, surrounded by the “IJssel” and “Zwarte Water”. Staatsbosbeheer wants to investigate what types of recreation are offered in its areas and what the recreational demand of these visitors is. To analyze an area and what kind of recreation facilities are available, Staatsbosbeheer works with a so-called “5B’s tool”. The 5 B’s stand for 5 Dutch words: Beschikbaarheid (availability), Bereikbaarheid (accessibility), Bruikbaarheid (usefulness Betrokkenheid (involvedness) and Bekendheid (reputation). Besides investigating an area with the help of the 5 B’s, a SWOT analysis will be done. A SWOT analysis looks at the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for the specific area that will be investigated.

Organisatie | Van Hall Larenstein |
Afdeling | Plattelandsvernieuwing |
Jaar | 2011 |
Type | Bachelor |
Taal | Engels |