Farm and herd factors influencing antibiotics use on Dutch dairy farms
Farm and herd factors influencing antibiotics use on Dutch dairy farms
The amount of used antibiotics is a large problem concerning human health. More and more resistance has occurred during the last years. The Dutch government has announced lowering of used antibiotics in the Netherlands has to be reached. The amount of used antibiotics can be described in several ways. One of these is the daily dosage per animal per year meaning the amount of days a animal is under effective treatment of antibiotics. With this daily dosage, comparisons between farms or even between sectors can be made. In this report a relation is searched between farm facts and the amount of used antibiotics. The daily dosage of 57 farmers is calculated and a questionnaire is done to purchase farm information. The topics about farm information in this report were; farm size, intensiveness of the farm, health of the cows and farmer information.

Organisatie | Van Hall Larenstein |
Afdeling | Dier- en veehouderij |
Datum | [2011] |
Type | Bachelor |
Taal | Engels |