Dairy farmers motivation for lean training
a study on the motivation and barriers of dairy farmers to participate in lean trainingDairy farmers motivation for lean training
a study on the motivation and barriers of dairy farmers to participate in lean trainingSamenvatting
Dairy farmers nowadays are under a lot of pressure due to the transition to sustainability goals, low milk price, reduction of carbon emissions, and the COVID-19 pandemic. This gives the dairy farmer a lot of pressure and stress. Because of all this, the amount of Dutch dairy farmers is decreasing every year. It is needed to prevent an even further decline in dairy farmers because of the fact that the Dutch dairy farmers are one of the most productive and efficient dairy farmers of Europe and could be a role model (EPRS, 2018). An effective way of optimizing work and eliminate waste is lean. The goal with the implementation of lean management is to eliminate non-value-added actions like motion, defects, overproduction, or waiting. Lean is a way of optimization that could help dairy farmers to release some pressure, stress, and help with the transition to sustainability. Lean training is however not yet common under dairy farmers. To help dairy farmers to prepare for the future and find ways of optimization for their business lean training would be very useful. The objective for this research is thus to see what motivates a dairy farmer to participate in lean training with the addition of finding the barriers to participation. This is important to find out because training is only useful if the received information is also used after the training. The second objective is to find out what is needed to maintain motivation and what barriers could be preventing the motivation of maintaining lean.

Organisatie | Aeres Hogeschool |
Afdeling | Bedrijfskunde en Agribusiness |
Partner | Aeres University of Applied Sciences Almere |
Datum | 2021-01-11 |
Type | Bachelor |
Taal | Engels |