Hoof care in equestrian sport
can it continue the way it is?Hoof care in equestrian sport
can it continue the way it is?Samenvatting
The hoof is the foundation of the horse and, as the saying goes, ‘no foot, no horse’. This age-old phrase accurately describes the importance of humans taking proper care for horse’s hooves when horses do not live in the wild. Though hoof care has been important since the domestication of horses, it was particularly emphasized during the 20th century when the purpose of the horse began to change from an animal which used to work on farms and in fields to an elite sporting animal. Welfare also started to become increasingly important and more focused on, both within the equine community and outside of it. Currently there are various schools of thought and practices for trimming and taking care of a horses’ feet. To find out whether these are up to the expectations of the Dutch equine community the main question in this research is: To what extent does contemporary hoof care meet the expectations of Dutch horse owners, equine veterinarians, and hoof care professionals?

Organisatie | Aeres Hogeschool |
Afdeling | International Business and Management Studies |
Partner | Aeres University of Applied Sciences Dronten |
Datum | 2021-08-10 |
Type | Bachelor |
Taal | Engels |