A journey into Almere’s diverse diet
A journey into Almere’s diverse diet
There is a strong relation between food and identity. Especially when people move to another country, traditional food (or simply food from their country of origin), symbolizes a link with culture, communityand ethnic identity. As people move around the globe they introduce new foods in the places they land. Almere is becoming one of the largest majority minority cities of the Netherlands. Walking around thecity, the diversity of food ingredients and eating cultures as shown in shops and restaurants is immediately clear. The aim of this project was to get an insight into the diets of the residents of Almere so as to learn about eating patterns in a multicultural city and how multiculturality affects the diets of both newcomers and people who have been living here for generations.

Organisatie | Aeres Hogeschool |
Lectoraat | Stedelijke Voedselvraagstukken |
Partners | Lectoraat Urban Food Issues |
Datum | [2022] |
Type | Rapport |
Taal | Engels |